Important new report published : Water Pollution on the River Deben 2024.
This report from The Deben Climate Centre describes E.coli and phosphate pollution in the River Deben. It is the result of more than 12 months of sampling and testing results from over 25 locations, with a particular focus on the impact that Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) have on pollution levels. These treatment works are owned and operated by Anglian Water but governed by standards set by the Environment Agency.
Report written by Bill Brammar PhD and David Findley PhD Published 9th February 2024. Download from our Water Quality section.
Our objective is to help the people of Woodbridge and the Deben reach carbon neutrality by 2030, through the development of a community-led climate action plan.

​We need to focus, so we have identified key areas which need to be tackled. Food, Carbon Emissions, Mental Health, Infrastructure and Biodiversity.